Senin, 22 Juli 2013

First Post

Gatau mau nulis apa pertama, berharap aja semoga postingan postingan yang ada diblog ini bisa membawa manfaat bagi pemilik blog dan pembaca , Aamiin

Ini ada tulisan, niatnya bikin cerita tapi ga pandai nulis , jadi sambil belajar juga, judulnya metamorphosis, check this out : 


The sun is come up and down
It means day by day has been passed
We know that "yesterday is history"
And dont forget about this story
This is the story about a young caterpillar

Every morning when it wakes up
It always look to the mirror and says
When i will become a great butterfly?
The butterflies are always get apreciate from the other
They're wonderful, strong and great
Not like me, just a little green creature
Which never get apreciate from the other
But it's me, just me

I always said , i dont want to live like this
I want to metamorph and be a butterfly as soon as possible

But someday , one of butterfly talks to me
Why do you have to be other, when you can do better now?
You are beautiful in your way
As long asyou can apreciate yourself

Now the young caterpillar metamorph
not change into butterfly, 
But into a wise caterpillar
Who can apreciate itself, cause it was born those way

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